Comments on: How inner ripples change the world Changing the world from the inside out Fri, 20 Jan 2023 17:43:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: curtrosengren Fri, 20 Jan 2023 17:43:12 +0000 In reply to Cherie Althauser.

A fantastic ripple effect! I love that both for how it makes you feel personally and for the effect it can have on everything you do and everyone you encounter. Breath-ripples for the win! 😀

By: Cherie Althauser Fri, 20 Jan 2023 17:26:55 +0000 When I stop to feel the breath in me and notice my inner physical body…how things are lining up, where the breath moves etc… loving awareness expands up inside of me and I feel gratitude flow out. Seems like a terrific ripple effect, wouldn’t you say?

By: curtrosengren Thu, 19 Jan 2023 18:37:26 +0000 In reply to Kate Bertin.

Thanks Kate!

It might be at odds with the visual of it all, but working to smooth out those water is actually a great way of creating inner ripples.

One of the easiest ways to incorporate some psyche-smoothing into your day is a 60-second breath break. Just pause and take five or six deep, slow breaths. Then back to whatever you were doing. When I suggest clients make an experiment of trying that for the next week, they consistently come back and say, “That was good! I’m going to keep doing that!”

What I love most about it – besides the ease of implementation and the effectiveness of it – is that it’s not about consciously trying to shift your state. Just do the slow, deep breathing, and the parasympathetic nervous system (the part that is relaxing on a beach telling you that everything is copacetic, so you can just hang out and chill) automatically engages.

By: Kate Bertin Thu, 19 Jan 2023 17:01:23 +0000 I have been reading and loving your blog. I currently am working on “inner ripples,” as I think I focus too often on the difference I can make for others, without remembering to throw the occasional pebble in the still pool of my psyche. Come to think of it, the pool isn’t that calm – so maybe I better work on smoothing out the waters so those ripples can be seen and felt. Oh, the journey is long! <3
